Te Kaunihera a rohe o Tamatea / Central Hawke’s Bay District Council (CHBDC) is seeking public feedback on its proposal to make a new bylaw which will help manage the negative impacts of freedom camping whilst ensuring everyone, including visitors to Central Hawke's Bay, can continue to enjoy our public spaces.

We encourage you to share your feedback with us. 
Privacy Statement

For the purposes of this consultation, your feedback will be collected via the proposed freedom camping bylaw engagement document, you will be asked a number of questions and will be provided an opportunity to provide feedback. This information will be held in confidence, accessible only by our Council Communications and Executive Leadership Teams. Your first and last name along with your feedback will be presented to the Central Hawke's Bay District Council Elected members by way of a publicly available report. All other information requested in the consultation document will not be used in any public domain and will be destroyed no later than 6 weeks after the submission closing date.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 3. What is your contact phone number?

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* 4. Is your feedback on behalf of an organisation or business? (If yes, this confirms you have authority to submit on the organisation’s behalf)

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* 5. Which ethnic group(s) do you belong to?  
(Please select as many as apply)

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* 6. Specifically, do you think Central Hawke's Bay District Council should introduce the proposed freedom camping bylaw?

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* 7. The draft bylaw proposes introducing a permit season between 14 December - 29 February for the two permitted areas. This is currently in place for Pourerere Beach Road but not Te Paerahi. Do you agree?

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* 8. Outside the permit season the bylaw proposes prohibiting freedom camping for non-self-contained vehicles and tents for both permitted areas - Pourerere Beach Road and Te Paerahi. Do you agree?

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* 9. Is there anything else you would like the Mayor and Councillors to consider when making this decision?

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* 10. Would you like to speak for 5 minutes during the public forum session at Council meeting in February 2024?