How is your speaking

We are interested to know if you speak to colleagues and customers. Do you prefer to email or text people to communicate with them? Do you find speaking for presentations, on the phone, public speaking and in meetings a challenge?

We want to find out, so that we know what to write about in our blogs; what to include in podcasts and public speaking AND what to include in our courses.

Any feedback is very welcomed and your comments will be confidential. The survey should take two minutes to complete. If you would like to be entered for a draw to receive a free thirty minute SKYPE coaching session with Susan Heaton Wright on communications, don't forget to leave your email at the end. We reassure you that your email will not be distributed elsewhere.

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* 1. How do you communicate with your colleagues and customers. Indicate all that apply.

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* 2. Why do you choose these methods of communicating with others?

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* 3. How do you prefer to be communicated with (i.e. when people want to communicate with you) Feel free to add a comment in the comment box.

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* 4. Do you speak up or contribute to a conversation in meetings?

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* 5. Which of the following would you be happy to volunteer to do:

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* 6. What puts you off speaking in public - either to colleagues or a room of strangers?

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* 7. Is there anything that could help you gain confidence in speaking up in different situations? Note these ideas below.

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* 8. Would you like Executive Voice to arrange a webinar where we could share some top tips to speaking? Leave your email address in the box below. The webinar would be recorded.

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* 9. Is there anything else you would like to share with us? We want to ensure our blogs, newsletters and podcasts are all interesting and relevant for you.

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* 10. If you would like to go into the prize draw to win a 30 minute SKYPE coaching session with Susan Heaton Wright, please leave your email address below. Please be reassured that we will not distribute your email addresses to other organisations.