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The information you enter into this survey will be used to assess your suitability to take part in our upcoming market research project 

As part of this market research we will ask you a number of questions and will collect and process personal data about you. Your responses to our questions are really helpful and we will use them to provide feedback to our client so that they can try to improve their products and their business.

The personal information that we collect and process about you may include: your full name, email address, telephone number and IP address. We may also collect other personal information which when combined together could identify you as an individual. We call this “personal data”.

We ask you to agree to take part in the market research. If you agree to take part we may use your personal data to carry out our market research activities and to provide feedback on the products, ideas or packs you have evaluated to our client or give our clients information about the products you use and your opinions of them. It’s in our legitimate interests to use your personal data in this way and we will not use the personal data in a way you would not expect.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to process the information you provide or object to our processing of your information.

Ordinarily we will not share your personal data with our client, but we may provide our client with aggregated information incorporating your answers or unattributed quotes from your response.
The group discussion/interview you are invited to take part in may be audio and visually recorded for analysis and internal market research purposes only.

The recordings may be seen by people who are members of the client company working on this project. There may also be members of client team viewing the group/interview.

For more information please see our privacy policy here

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to take part in this survey based on the above information?

Question Title

* 2. Please note that the research may be video and audio recorded for the purpose of the research team to use for internal purposes only. Are you happy and confident speaking in front of a camera and do you agree to take part on this basis?

0 of 21 answered