Welcome! Bienvenida(o)!

On Behalf of UIW's ad hoc, Hispanic Heritage Month Planning Committee, thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is important as we strive to fulfill the following, key goals of our committee:

1) To coordinate the dates and times of Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) events at UIW's various campuses and promote them early for maximum participation.
2) To strengthen UIW’s identity as a Catholic, Hispanic Serving Institution.
3) To promote Inter-campus relationship-building.
4) To ensure events and activities are student-centered and affirming of cultural / racial identities.
5) To promote events and activities that highlight UIW’s international “Hispanic” identity with its campuses in Mexico and our international Latino(a) students from various countries.
6) To partner with faculty who are planning educational HHM events and speakers within curricula and fall course outlines.
We hope to hear from you very soon and include your events on UIW's official Hispanic Heritage Month Website. Please submit your responses no later than June 24.
Please note that one of the survey questions asks how we as a committee can best support your event, e.g. promotion, event planning, etc. Please know that we are operating without a designated budget; however, we hope to help you find the resources you may need.
Con much respeto,
Arturo Chávez,
Associate VP for Mission & Ministry - DEI