Ekklesia's 5th Birthday As we reflect on our first 5 years together as a community we would like to hear from you. Please take a couple of minutes to answer one or both of the questions below. You can leave your name or answer anonymously. Thanks for your help. Question Title * 1. How would you describe the Ekklesia community in 3 words or less. Question Title * 2. In the space below to please tell us your Ekklesia story. It is up to you how long or short you make it, we would just like to hear your story. Question Title * 3. What is your name? (optional) Question Title * 4. Is it okay for us to use your answers to the above questions? (on the webpage, during the service etc.) Yes No Question Title * 5. How many years have you been participating in the life of Ekklesia? Less than a year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year Since the beginning Done