Begonias Lane Park Playground

Begonias Lane Park Playground Upgrade

Begonias Lane Park Playground is getting an upgrade!

As part of the City’s playground replacement program, Begonias Lane Park playground was identified for replacement in fiscal year 2024-25. The existing playground equipment was installed in 1993, and lacks play intertest. The playground equipment will be replaced and create more play opportunities for 2 to 5-year-old children and 5 to 12-year-old children, provide inclusive elements, rubberized surfacing and increased shade. Due to existing site conditions the footprint of the playground will remain the same. The city is soliciting feedback on the proposed design and is also requesting the public’s input on their preferences for play elements

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6.Of the following swing types, which do you like the best? (Swings to be installed in pairs)
7.Of these panel activities, which do you like the most?
8.As it relates to playground design in general, what type of playground components do you like the most?
9.Would you like to see themed playgrounds?

If so, what type?
10.Please provide any additional comments related to play areas that you feel would be helpful in planning future playground renovations - Thank You!