IPMA 2019 Survey

Welcome to the 2019 IPMA Survey. We are surveying in-plants to identify best in class strategies. The goal is to create an objective source of information that can help in-plants understand how they compare to the leaders in the industry. Please be assured that your responses will be held in strict confidence.  In this survey there are about 40 questions broken into the following categories: equipment, services, marketing/sales, staffing / workflows, metrics / reporting, and value-added services. The survey should take 20-40 minutes to complete. The results will be made available in reports, articles, webinars and during presentations at Print 19, Printing United, and the IPMA 2019 show.Thank you for supporting in-plants.
1.Which of the following best describes your in-plant operation?
2.Which of the following best describes your company’s primary business?
3.What is your job title?
4.Last year did you meet your financial objective? (i.e. breakeven, stay within budget, revenue = expense)
5.In the last 5 years how many times has the in-plant meet its financial goals?
6.If you track sales what was your sales last year? If not what was your budget last year?
7.In the last 12 months did your sales change more than 5%. If you don’t track sales did your budget change more than 5%?
8.Which best represents how you track pricing?
9.How Many People Work in the in inplant (Including temps)?
10.In the last 12 months has the staffing changed?
11.If you could increase staff anywhere, where would you like to increase staff (Choose at most 3)?(Required.)
12.In the last 12 months how did the volume of the following services/requests change?
12. black and white toner pages
13. design services
14. color digital printing/copying pages
15. offset pages
16. requests for estimates
17. large format / signage
18. mailing services
19. requests for lower prices
20. transactional printing
21. shipping
22. requests for faster turnaround times
23. on-line or web to print orders
24. scanning documents for digital access
25. requests for higher quality
26. apparel printing or sewing (hats, shirts)
27. insourcing (selling to external companies)
28. scanning services (for digital access to documents)
13.What products or services are most valuable to your organization (Choose at most 3)?(Required.)
14.If you could offer any new products / services, which would you like to offer? (Choose at most 3)(Required.)
15.What software will you buy or upgrade in the next 12 months? (Choose at most 3)(Required.)
16.Where are you most likely to offer training or where do you want to offer more training?  (Choose at most 5)(Required.)
17.What do YOU want to learn more about? (Choose at most 5)(Required.)
18.Overall how would you characterize your hardware?
19.Where is your greatest need for new equipment?  (Choose at most 3)(Required.)
20.What does your in-plant measure? (Choose at most 5)(Required.)
21.What are your greatest challenges? (Choose at most 5)(Required.)
22.How do you promote, market, and sell the in-plant? (Choose at most 3)(Required.)
23.How would you characterize the in-plants sales and marketing? (Choose at most 3)(Required.)
24.We will need to interview a few people to help us understand the results. Can we call you?
Current Progress,
0 of 24 answered