Your Input Needed: Childcare and Tax Survey

Childcare: We aim to identify whether childcare concerns are affecting your ability to recruit and retain talent and explore potential community-based solutions.

Taxation: We want to understand the effects of the recent changes in the Scottish rate of income tax on your business operations and gather suggestions for policy improvements.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Business Name

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* 3. Employee Number

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* 4. Childcare Questions

Recruitment Challenges Due to Childcare.
Have you faced difficulties in recruiting talent due to childcare issues?

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* 5. Retention Challenges Due to Childcare
Have you faced difficulties in retaining talent due to childcare issues?

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* 6. Have you been required to implement new policies to support working parents in recent years? E.g. flexible working, maternity/paternity policies

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* 7. Interest in Being Part of the Solution.
Are you interested in being part of a community initiative to improve childcare solutions?

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* 8. Specific Needs or Suggestions.
What specific needs or suggestions do you have for improving childcare solutions in your community?

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* 9. Tax Questions

Impact of Scottish Rate of Income Tax on Recruitment. Have the recent changes in the Scottish rate of income tax affected your ability to recruit talent?

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* 10. Impact of Scottish Rate of Income Tax on Retention. Have the recent changes in the Scottish rate of income tax affected your ability to retain talent?

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* 11. Have you been required to change your talent attraction/retention process and policies to allow for this change.

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* 12. Feedback on Scottish Rate of Income Tax.
What are your thoughts or feedback on the current Scottish rate of income tax as it relates to your business?

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* 13. Suggestions for Policy Improvements
Do you have any suggestions for policy improvements regarding the Scottish rate of income tax that could help your business with recruitment and retention?