Preventing Decompensation / Juan Gonzalez-Abraldes
Medications for Obesity in the Liver Patient (MASLD) / Saumya Jayakumar
Non-Pharmacologic Management of Liver Disease / Puneeta Tandon

Moderator: Robert Bailey

Question Title

* 1. Did this session meet the stated objectives below?

  Yes No
Summarize strategies to prevent patients living with cirrhosis from having clinical decompensation
Choose appropriate pharmacotherapy for management of obesity in patients with liver disease
Recommend non-pharmacologic methods of treating patients with liver disease

Question Title

* 2. *Did you perceive commercial or other inappropriate bias from this session?

Question Title

* 3. Please provide a score for the following: 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent).

  1 2 3 4 5
Usefulness/Practicality of this presentation
Scientific content of this presentation
Effectiveness of the speaker(s)
Presentation format
Adequate time for questions/discussion

Question Title

* 4. If you have further feedback or suggestions about this session or the overall summit, please let us know in the space below.

Question Title

* 5. Full Name

Question Title

* 6. Email Address