Survey responses will help us improve our services to better serve you.

Thank you for taking this survey. It will take approximately 5 minutes for you to complete. Any personal information identified in this survey will remain strictly confidential and will never be sold or shared.

If you have questions, concerns, or other comments that you would like to provide outside of this survey, please email us at

Question Title

* 1. What type of rider are you?

Question Title

* 2. How often do you ride Bayway?

Question Title

* 3. What is the purpose of your most common trip?

Question Title

* 4. What route(s) do you use most frequently?

Question Title

* 5. How many transfers do you typically take each way?

Question Title

* 6. Do you use your smartphone to track bus arrival/departure times?

Question Title

* 7. Rate your experience on the following features.

  Very Poor Poor Ok Good Great N/A
Bus Reliability (On-time, Predictable service, etc.)
Bus Frequency (Time between buses)
Access to Destinations (Can you get to places you want to go to?)
Bus Location Applications (Transit, Google Maps, or Moovit)
Bus Cleanliness
Bus Stop Amenities (Bench, Shelter, Shade, etc.)
Customer Service
Bus Operator Performance
Hours of Bus Service (Early, late, weekend service)
Electronic Ticketing (Token Transit, Moovit, Google Wallet)

Question Title

* 8. Your feedback is important to this process. In your own words, how can we make Bayway work better for you?

Question Title

* 9. Your opinion matters, and we appreciate you taking the time to complete our survey. If you’d like to receive future updates, please provide your email and/or phone number.

Your email and phone number will be disassociated from your survey responses.

100% of survey complete.