
Thank you for participating in the National and Regional Weed Science Societies survey of the most common and troublesome weeds in aquatic and non-crop areas in the U.S. and Canada. Your expertise is important and will be invaluable in highlighting weed species trends over time.

We would like you to list the five most common and five most troublesome weeds in at least one of the following aquatic and non-crop areas:

1) Aquatic: irrigation, flood control
2) Aquatic: lakes, reservoirs, rivers
3) Aquatic: ponds
4) Forestry
5) Natural Areas: parks, wildlife refuges
6) Ornamentals: field nursery crops, outdoor containers, Christmas trees
7) Right-Of-Ways: railways, roads, public utilities

Common weeds refer to those weeds you most frequently see.
Troublesome weeds are those that are most difficult to control, but may not be widespread.

When listing weed species, please be as specific as possible, i.e. use the Latin name according to the Weed Science Society of America's Composite List of Weeds:

Please feel free to complete multiple surveys if there are different weed populations among areas within your state/province.

For questions or comments, please contact

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* Please enter your name, state or province, and email.

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* What is your affiliation? (Required)