What are the Most Important Tasks and Gifts of Good Shepherd's New Lead Pastor ?
Check the
most important
that will be the responsibility of Good Shepherd's New Lead Pastor.
Administration or Staff Management
Building a Sense of Community
Campus/Young Adult Ministry
Children's Ministry
Conflict Management
Counseling/Social Work
Ecumenical Work (Interdenominational cooperation on matters of mutual concern)
Evangelism/Mission (Sharing the Good News of Jesus and Church Growth)
Financial Management
Interpret Theology
Ministry in Daily Life
Ministry with Seniors
Multicultural Ministry
Participant in Larger Church
Pastoral Care and Visitation
Recruit and Equip Ministry
Self Care/Family Care
Small Group Ministry
Social Ministry
Spiritual Formation/Direction
Strategic Mission Planning
Youth and Family Ministry
Other (please specify)
Check the
most important
that will be needed by Good Shepherd's New Lead Pastor.
Help people develop their spiritual life
Help people understand and act upon social justice
Provide care and nurture
Be active in visitation of members and non-members
Be effective in working with children
Build a sense of community among the people with whom he/she works
Help others develop their leadership skills for ministry
Be an effective administrator/manager of the staff
Be an effective communicator
Be an effective preacher and teacher
Work regularly in the development of stewardship growth
Be active in ecumenical relationships
Be skilled in planning and leading programs
Have a strong commitment and loyalty to the Lutheran Church
Understand and interpret the mission of the Church from a global perspective
Deal effectively with conflict
Bring joy and good humor to relationships
Be able to share leadership and work in a team
Be creative and innovative about his or her tasks
Be able to use technology and media
Appreciate cultural diversity
Have talents in the areas of music, arts and writing
Other (please specify)
Thank you for responding to this survey. We welcome any additional comments you would like to share with the Transition Task Force, regarding our call of a new Lead Pastor.
Current Progress,
0 of 3 answered