Natural Seaton Festival

Please ensure you have read the following documents, which can also be found on our website:
  • Festival Information
  • Manual Handling Document
For-profit businesses must also fill out:
  • Trader Details Form
This is a requirement of East Devon District Council and must be attached to your submission.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 3. Phone

Question Title

* 4. Mobile phone

Question Title

* 5. Address

Question Title

* 6. Business name

Question Title

* 7. Please upload your business' logo

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 8. Please provide up to 25 words about your business.
This will be used on our website and social media and could appear in our festival programme

Question Title

* 9. List the products you will be selling:

Question Title

* 10. Are you a Stall Trader or a Non-Profit Business, or Caterer