Thank you for participating in the “Kick-start Your Career!” event. Your feedback is important to us. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences about the event. This will help us to enhance future events and better support your career aspirations!

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* 1. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the event?

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* 2. What specific topics or sessions from the event did you find most valuable, and why?

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* 3. Did the event meet your expectations in terms of providing advice and resources for kick-starting your career?

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* 4. Do you have any suggestions as to how the event could be improved in the future e.g., ideas for future topics?

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* 5. Would you recommend this event to your peers or colleagues?

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* 6. What did you think about the structure of the event sessions? (event sessions were held concurrently, with three sessions available at the same time for attendees to choose from, as opposed to a traditional linear format).

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* 7. What did you think about the time duration of the event sessions?

Please note that all presentations were recorded and will be made available on the JobTeaser platform.

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* 8. Where did you hear about the event?

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* 9. Please provide the name of your university/organisation.