Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Hazard Mitigation Public Input Survey

Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Hazard Mitigation Public Input Survey

We need your help!
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community is currently updating their five-year hazard mitigation plan as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Western Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Region (WUPPDR) have been contracted to update the Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan and are working with a local planning team. Hazard mitigation is any action taken before, during, or after a disaster to eliminate or reduce the risk to human life and property from natural, technological, or human-related hazards. This survey provides an opportunity for you to share your knowledge and participate in the hazard mitigation planning process. The information you provide will help us better understand your hazard concerns and can lead to mitigation activities that help lessen the impact and risk of future hazard events to your community.
All responses will be kept confidential. If you have questions regarding this survey or would like to learn more about ways that you can participate in the planning process, please contact:
Rachael Pressley, Assistant Regional Planner
(906) 482-7205 ext. 116
Thank you for your time and participation!
Key definitions: 
Hazard - Something that is potentially dangerous or harmful, often the root cause of an unwanted outcome.
Mitigation - The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
Risk - A situation involving exposure to danger; the possibility that something unpleasant or unwelcome will happen.
Vulnerability - The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically, emotionally, financially, etc.
1.Where do you live?
2.During the past five (5) years, have you or someone in your household directly experienced a hazard in the region, such as a severe windstorm, flood, or other type of hazard?
3.IF YES, which hazard(s) have you or someone in your household experienced in the past five (5) years?
4.How concerned are you about the following hazards affecting your home and community in the next five (5) years?
Very Concerned
Somewhat Concerned
Not Very Concerned
Not Concerned
Extreme Weather Temperatures (hot/cold)
Ice and Sleet Storms
Severe Winds (Windstorms)
Snowstorms and Blizzards
Subsidence (Sink holes or ground collapse, mine-related or not)
Dam Failure
Flooding due to precipitation event or snowmelt
Shoreline Flooding and Erosion
Invasive Species (Emerald Ash Borer/Asian Carp)
Scrap Tire Fires
Structural Fires
Hazardous Materials, Fixed Site (e.g. buildings or industrial site)
Hazardous Materials, Transportation-related (e.g. waste spill from traffic accident)
Petroleum/Natural Gas Pipeline Incident (e.g. rupture/leak resulting in outage)
Infrastructure Failure & resulting hazards (e.g. power outage)
Transportation Accidents (car crashes)
Civil Disturbances (rioting)
Public Health Emergencies (disease epidemic)
5.Have you taken any actions to make your home or community more resistant to hazards?
6.IF YES, please explain:
7.Is your home located on a floodplain?
8.Does your street or home flood regularly during significant rain events?
9.IF YES, what are the closest major cross streets to this location?
10.If your street or home does flood regularly during significant rain events, how many times did it flood in the past 12 months?
11.Do you have flood insurance?
12.If you do NOT have flood insurance, please indicate reason(s) below. 
13.What are the most effective ways for you to receive information during or immediately following a hazard emergency? (Check all that apply)
14.In your opinion, what are some steps or projects your local government could take to reduce or eliminate the risk for future hazard damages to your community?
15.Several community-wide activities can reduce our risk from hazards. In general, these activities fall into one of six broad categories. Please tell us how important you think each one is for your community to consider doing:
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Administrative or regulatory actions that influence the way land is developed and buildings are built. Examples include planning & zoning, building codes, open space preservation, and floodplain regulations.
Property Protection
Modification or removal of existing buildings to protect them from a hazard. Examples include purchase, relocation, raised elevation, and structural retrofits (updates)
Natural Resource Protection
Preservation or restoration of the functions of natural systems while minimizing hazard losses. Examples include floodplain protection, forest management, and slope stabilization.
Structural Projects
Modification of the natural conditions for or progression of a hazard. Examples include dams, levees, seawalls, detention/retention basins, channel modification, retaining walls, and storm sewers.
Emergency Services
Protection of people and property during and immediately after a hazard event. Examples include warning systems, evacuation planning, emergency response training, and protection of emergency facilities.
Public Education and Awareness
Informing of citizens about hazards and the techniques they can use to protect themselves and their property. Examples include outreach, school education, library materials, and demonstration events.
16.Additional comments:
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered