Open Garden at Backyard Harvest Festival Contact Details Question Title * 1. What is your first Name? Question Title * 2. What is your last name? Question Title * 3. At what email address would you like to be contacted? Question Title * 4. Contact Phone Number: Question Title * 5. What is your street address? Question Title * 6. Suburb Alphington Brunswick Brunswick East Brunswick West Bundoora Coburg Coburg North Fairfield Fawkner Glenroy Gowanbrae Hadfield Kingsbury Macleod Northcote Oak Park Pascoe Vale Pascoe Vale South Preston Reservoir Thornbury Question Title * 7. I would you like to: Volunteer to help at the Backyard Harvest Festival Register to open my home garden at the festival Question Title * 8. VolunteersPlease indicate which activities you would like to volunteer for: Checking off visitor names and general support at Open Garden event Interpreter at Open Garden event Question Title * 9. Language spoken (please circle): Arabic Chinese English Greek Italian Portuguese Spanish Thai Vietnamese Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Open GardensHave you have opened your home garden at previous Backyard Harvest Festivals? Yes, I have opened my garden at previous festivals No, I have not opened my garden before Question Title * 11. Please briefly describe your garden. What do you normally have growing in your garden around November?How big is it? How much and what sort of produce do you harvest? (Please provide details): Question Title * 12. Do you use any special techniques or have any special garden features (Please check all that apply): Composting Organic principles Water saving Permaculture Other (please specify) Question Title * 13. How confident are you to take a group of 15 – 20 people through your garden and explain what you are growing and your gardening techniques: Very confident Quite confident but would like support (please specify type of support eg translation, additional guide etc): Not confident (please indicate the assistance you would require to conduct a tour of your garden): What support or assistance do you require? For more information or assistance with this form, email or call 8470 8392. The collection and handling of personal information is in accordance with Council’s Privacy Policy which is displayed on Council’s website and available for inspection at, or collection from, Council’s customer service centre/s. For further information, please read Council’s Privacy Notice. Done