Session Details

New this year: All sessions will be 45 minutes with a max of 2 presenters, to allow for more interactive discussion time!

 The deadline for submission is Monday, October 22; notifications will be sent to proposers in December.

Question Title

* 1. What is the working title for your session?

Not sure what the title is yet? Check out this AP Style Guide article about how to write a compelling title.

Question Title

* 2. Please provide a brief abstract. 

Not sure how to write a compelling abstract? Check out this Harvard Business Review article about crafting a pitch.

Question Title

* 3. Who is the intended audience and what will be the key takeaways or learning outcomes?

For those organizing or delivering a conference session, check out this Inc. article on how to engage your audience!

Note: all attempts will be made to accommodate session length requests, but it might not always be possible

Question Title

* 4. Is this program session being proposed on behalf of a SIG or committee?

Note: SIGs and Committees are not guaranteed a program session, but if your proposal is accepted, we will promote the connection.

Question Title

* 5. Please select your desired room set up:

Question Title

* 6. To which Professional Development Pathway does your session align? (maximum 2 selections)

Question Title

* 7. Will your session provide introductory or advanced instruction?

Participant Name(s)

Please Provide the name, title, organization, short bio and contact information (email preferred) for each participant (or suggested participant) in your session.

Question Title

* 8. Participant 1 Information

Question Title

* 9. Role of Participant 1

Question Title

* 10. Participant 2 Information

Question Title

* 11. Role of Participant 2

Question Title

* 12. Participant 3 Information

Question Title

* 13. Role of Participant 3

Question Title

* 14. Please itemize any costs associated with this program.  (if applicable)

Note:  CALL/ACBD does not pay for travel and lodging for speakers who are members. Non-member speakers may be reimbursed for economy air travel and one night hotel stay, as well as complimentary registration. If applicable, please provide details of what you estimate these costs to be.

Question Title

* 15. Please indicate when this session is able to be presented.

Monday, May 27
Tuesday, May 28
Wednesday, May 29

Question Title

* 16. Please share any additional information about your proposal.

About You

Question Title

* 17. Please select the role that applies to you

Question Title

* 18. Your Contact Information

Question Title

* 19. All sessions require a moderator. If you do not intend to be the moderator, please suggest someone else who may be appropriate to ask, or simply request that we find one. If you are a speaker, an alternative person will be required to moderate the session.