PASC UK/WTA Wales June 2024 – 182 day threshold questions

PASC UK/WTA Wales June 2024 182 Day Threshold Survey

Dear Self-Catering/Short Term Rental Businesses in Wales,

This survey is part of a programme of activities that PASC UK and WTA are co-ordinating to try and persuade the Welsh Government to look again at the 182-day threshold.

It should take takes no more than 6 minutes to complete.

Thanks for your time - we appreciate it.
1.How long has your accommodation business been running?
2.Did you achieve 182 days let from April 2021-March 2022?
3.If not, how many days did you achieve?
4.Did you achieve 182 days let from April 2022-March 2023?
5.If not, how many days did you achieve?
6.Did you achieve 182 days let from April 2023 to March 2024?
7.If not, how many days did you achieve?
8.What is your forecast occupancy for April 2024 – March 2025?
9.Did you have to discount (including if you were unable to increase your prices in line with inflation) to achieve the levels of bookings attained?
10.Did you add any amenities of any kind to try to increase bookings (hot tubs, accepting dogs, EV charging, upgrades etc.
11.Have you placed or are you considering putting your FHL property on the open market as a result of the 182-day legislation?
12.For your business, how important is an urgent review of the 182-day Wales threshold?
Not at all important
Not particularly important
Neither important or unimportant
Fairly important
Extremely important
13.What exemptions do you support for Wales holiday lets? Tick all that apply.
14.How long do you anticipate continuing running your self-catering holiday accommodation
15.Is your response to the above question influenced by the 182 day threshold?
16.If you have to sell your self-catering property/short-term let, who is most likely to buy it?
17.If you wish to be kept in touch with the work that PASC UK (Wales Branch/Cangen Cymru) is doing on your behalf (and are not already a valued PASC UK member), please let us have your email and we will put you on our free Newsletter list. You can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you for taking part.