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TLC-Virtual Resiliency

Please complete the following questions. Please answer honestly, there are no right or wrong answers.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your Participant ID. If this is your first survey with TLC-VR, please create a Participant ID using your mother's birthday and name of your most recent pet, and enter it below.
For example: 04-20-1964 Eloise

Please make sure this is a Participant ID you will remember, as you will enter it on other surveys throughout the program. We will never link your Participant ID to you as an individual, and this link between surveys will be deleted at the end of the program. Please contact your Virtual Assistant Concierge, or the company directly at, if you have any questions.

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your TLC-VR Group Name. If you are not sure of your group name, please check your welcome packet email, or ask your Virtual Assistant Concierge at

Question Title

* 3. Please enter today's date.

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