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* 1. The first major national campaign to end veterans homelessness began in 2009.

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* 2. Success in meeting Functional Zero and Federal Benchmark goals means having no homeless veterans in your community.

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* 3. Once a community reaches its Federal Benchmarks, it is easy to maintain them.

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* 4. Communities must have VASH vouchers to reach the Federal Benchmarks.

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* 5. Federal Benchmark 1 focuses on only chronically homeless veterans.

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* 6. Unsheltered veterans must be offered permanent housing at least once every 14 days to meet Federal Benchmarks.

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* 7. Veterans entering Service-Intensive Transitional Housing are exempted in the Benchmark 1 calculation since they have chosen to address a service need.

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* 8. Veterans accepting permanent housing but not yet housed are always counted against communities in Benchmark 1.

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* 9. GPD Bridge Housing is NOT Service-Intensive Transitional Housing.

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* 10. Benchmark 2 focuses on housing veterans rapidly within 30 days.

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* 11. Calculating the length of time to house veterans includes stays in GPD service-intensive transitional housing.

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* 12. Length until housing is calculated from the date of veteran identification to housing placement

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* 13. Benchmark 3 focuses on ensuring sufficient capacity to house more veterans than are newly entering the system.

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* 14. One of the overall goals of the Benchmark campaign is to reduce the use of VA funded service-intensive transitional housing programs.

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* 15. The calculation for Benchmark 4  (Veterans entering SITH during look back period) can end up as a negative number.

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* 16. It is important to record the date that homeless veterans are offered Permanent Housing.

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* 17. If unsheltered veterans continue to refuse a permanent housing offer, over a 90 day period there would be at least 7 offers.

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* 18. In a simple case, the length of days to house a veteran is the Permanent Housing acceptance date subtracted by the Veteran First Identified date.

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* 19. If no new veterans are identified in a 90 day period, there is no need to investigate if outreach services are actually being performed.

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* 20. If a community meets all 4 benchmarks, it means there are no more veterans experiencing long-term homelessness.

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* 21. Which homeless veterans must be offered Permanent Housing?

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* 22. Which of the following  is NOT true concerning Service-Intensive Transitional Housing (SITH)?

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* 23. Which of the following are ways to "rig" the benchmarks?

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* 24. If you are not meeting benchmarks, what might your community need?

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* 25. Which are the following activities are in keeping with the Federal criteria to end veteran homelessness?