Book Survey: March Madness 2018

The following survey has the list of books that were nominated for this year's March Madness reading challenge. 80% of books were nominated by participants. 20% were randomly selected from NPR's list of the best of 2017.
Please take the time to rate ALL the books either by indicating how much you like the book (if you read it) or how much you would be interested in reading the book (if you have not read it). All books have been nominated by our participants. 
At the end of the survey, you can enter your name and email address to be entered into the raffle for $15 Amazon gift card.
Instructions: Please vote on each book. If you have read the book, your rating should reflect how much you liked it. If you have NOT read the book, your rating should reflect your interest level in reading the book. The scale ranges from 1 to 5 with higher scores reflecting greater enjoyment or higher levels of interest.

We have provided goodreads synopsis for each book to help you decide whether the book sounds interesting.

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17% of survey complete.