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* 1. What kind of art do you make? (check all that apply)

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* 2. What is your age group?

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* 3. What is your first language?

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* 4. How long have you been in Manitoba, Canada?

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* 5. How long have you been making or practicing your art?

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* 6. Where do you practice / share / present / sell your art? Please check ALL that apply to you.

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* 7. As an artist, what would help you to practice or share your art in Manitoba? Please check ALL that apply to you.

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* 8. What NEEDS, BARRIERS or CHALLENGES have you experienced related to making and presenting your art while living in Manitoba?

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* 9. What does your arts practice mean to you? Why is it important to community life?  What is your DREAM or WISH for yourself as an artist living in Manitoba? Anything else you would like us to know related to your art practice.

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* 10. If you would like Creative Manitoba to be able to help you with your art, please write your contact information here: