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Ten years ago, humanitarian practitioners, thinkers, idealists and sceptics came together for the World Humanitarian Summit, where the UN Secretary General called for a ‘change that gives a voice and leadership to affected people and local organisations as agents of their own destiny.’ 

While there has been important progress, there is a long way to go to collectively meet our Grand Bargain Localisation Commitments and the anticipated Participation Revolution. The failure to truly put people at the centre has been highlighted by successive Emergency Relief Coordinators (ERCs) and while repeatedly identified as system-wide priority, the evidence shows otherwise. Meaningful engagement of local actors, particularly as policy influencers and drivers of change, remains limited. 

Achieving these ambitions demands a collective approach to bring about needed system change. However, amidst strained humanitarian funding, the drive for prioritisation risks undermining years of work on quality and accountability, and competition for resources threatens collaboration.  At the same time, two of the global interagency platforms that work on Accountability to Affected People (AAP), the IASC and the Grand Bargain, are considering their future ways of working. This provides an opportunity to reassess how we can build a truly local to global collaborative effort for a more accountable and equitable aid effort.

To contribute to this thinking, CHS Alliance and ICVA are gathering a wide range of views and ideas from humanitarians from a diverse range of contexts to understand what is working and what opportunities exist.  Your views are important, so please take 10 minutes to share your reflections.   

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* What is your name?

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* What is your Job Title?

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* Which best describes your organisation

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* 1. I regularly engage with other organisations to discuss issues connected to how people should be at the centre of humanitarian assistance

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* If you do engage – what are the main ways?

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* 2. I want to connect with other organisations on people-centred approaches for the following reasons 

(tick as many as apply)

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* 3. Things that stop me engaging in collaborative efforts are (tick up to three options)

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* 4. Things that would encourage me to engage in collaborative efforts on AAP (tick up to three options)

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* 5. I think sharing information on AAP works best when it…  (tick your top three)

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* 6. Which of these do you think would create change for greater accountability to affected people? 
(tick all that apply)

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* 7. Complete the following sentences

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* 8. What is your big idea for how collective efforts for greater collaboration can create a more accountable and equitable system for people in crisis?

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* 9. How would you like to see the CHS Alliance AAP Community of Practice re-energised to contribute to driving greater accountability? How could it link to link to other coordination forums?

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