Your VP Education & VP Communities and Wellbeing
want to hear your ideas!

This survey is part of a data collection for research about having a dedicated student-owned space on campus. The survey aims to gather student feedback on student's ideas and views on whether a student-owned space is needed, and what this may look like.

Your participation is voluntary and by completing it you give your consent for the SU to use this data. All data collected will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences. Your insights are invaluable and will contribute to a better understanding towards student-owned spaces.

If you need support with completing this survey, please contact us at
1.Student email(Required.)
2.How satisifed are you with the existing student spaces on campus?(Required.)
3.If you are not satisified with the current student spaces, please state why.
4.Do you think students would benefit from a dedicated student-owned space on campus?(Required.)
5.What area of campus would you like to see have a dedicated student-owned space?
6.What would you like to see included in this student-owned space?(Required.)
7.Would you benefit from this space being open to bookings for societies and student groups?(Required.)
8.Do you think having a dedicated student-owned space will enhance campus life and experience, while also supporting students' mental health and wellbeing?(Required.)
9.Do you have any suggestions, feedback, or ideas regarding student spaces?(Required.)