We Need Your Input!

The Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence is conducting a survey for survivors of domestic violence who have been involved in a child custody matter in King County Superior Court (Kent or Seattle courthouse). There is no obligation, and your answers will be anonymous. We will remove any identifying information prior to sharing any survey results. Responses will be used to develop talking points for a series of discussions with a variety of family law professionals including (but not limited to) judicial officers, attorneys, advocates, and evaluators. We sincerely appreciate your time and your willingness to share your experiences. Our ultimate goal is to improve outcomes for Survivors and their children who are engaged in the family law system.

Question Title

* 4. Number of Children Named in Parenting Plan

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* 5. What year was your most recent parenting plan entered?

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* 12. If yes, was your advocate from: (mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 16. Does your current parenting plan reflect what you wanted regarding the residential schedule?

Worst Outcome Tolerable Best Outcome

Question Title

* 17. Does your current parenting plan reflect what you want regarding decision-making?

Worst Outcome Tolerable Best Outcome

Question Title

* 18. Does your current parenting plan reflect what you wanted regarding dispute resolution?

Worst Outcome Tolerable Best Outcome

Question Title

* 19. Was an evaluator assigned to your case? (mark all that apply)

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* 27. Were you or the other party referred to other services? (please mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 28. Which of these services were helpful and how?

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* 29. Which of these services were NOT helpful and why not?

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* 30. Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about your experiences with the family court process (specifically regarding your parenting plan).

Question Title

* 32. Do you think the process resulted in safer circumstances for your children?

Very unsafe Very safe

Question Title

* 33. What is the primary language spoken in your home?

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* 35. If yes, please describe (at court, with your attorney, during evaluation, etc.)

Question Title

* 36. Race (please mark all that apply)

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100% of survey complete.