MetroWest Health Equity Timeline Follow Up

Thank you for your feedback as we determine next steps for building and sharing the MetroWest Health Equity Timeline.
1.Potential applications of the Health Equity Timeline include using it to educate the community and advocate for health-related programming. Which of these products would be useful to you in your work? (choose all that apply)
2.Do you have additional suggestions of events, topics, or populations that should be included? Please share them here, or reach out to Kate at
3.Have you visited the Timeline on
4.Were you able to join us for one of the live presentations? (not required)
5.If yes, how helpful was the webinar in understanding the Health Equity Timeline and its uses?
Not very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Very helpful
6.Do you have any other feedback you'd like to share about the Timeline or with the presenters?
Thank you for your time!