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The Summer Village’s current bylaw #268, passed in 2009, has an outright ban on fireworks:
“3.1 No person shall purchase, possess, handle, discharge, fire or set off fireworks within the Summer Village of Silver Beach”

Requests have been made to Council to amend the bylaw to allow the responsible use of fireworks.  Council is proposing Bylaw #2022-01 Fireworks Bylaw, which would allow the use of fireworks:
- on limited days
- within a restricted time period
- require the persons setting off fireworks to clean up any debris
- re-clarifies that fireworks would not be allowed during any fire bans, to help limit the risk of fire hazard
Before making any changes, Council wants to know what you think.

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* 1. Would you support allowing fireworks to be set off within the Summer Village?

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* 2. Would you support prohibiting fireworks on Summer Village land, including Ouimette Park?

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* 3. As fireworks can disturb the general peace, Council proposes  "only discharge, fire or set off Fireworks on the Saturday and Sunday of the May long week-end, Canada Day, the Saturday and Sunday of the August long week-end, and New Year’s Day unless special written permission has been obtained..."   Do you support these restrictions?

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* 4. If fireworks are allowed, should their use be restricted to be between 6 pm and midnight

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* 5. Please provide any other comments or suggestions.

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