Strengthening consumers’ rights in today’s dynamic markets

For the occasion of the World Consumer Rights Day 2023, the Office for Consumer Affairs within the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority will organise a half-day conference themed: Strengthening consumers’ rights in today’s dynamic markets. The conference will mainly focus on the coming into force of the Omnibus Directive and how it amends several existing consumer rules with the main aim of modernising and strengthening consumers’ rights offline and online. Distinguished speakers participating in the conference will discuss how the new legal framework will better equip consumers to meet the challenges they encounter in today’s evolving markets. Experts in marketing and consumer psychology will discuss consumers’ online buying behaviour and how digital marketing techniques are influencing consumers’ purchases. The impact of the new rules on both consumers and businesses will also be debated in a panel discussion involving professionals representing consumers and the industry. 

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The Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (hereafter "the Controller") will process your name, surname, e-mail address and contact number (hereafter “your personal data”) in accordance with the relevant provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act (Chapter 586 of the Laws of Malta) for the purpose of online registration for the half day conference (hereafter “the processing purpose”). Your personal data will only be accessed by limited personnel within the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority for the processing purpose. Saving your answer to question 7 above, your personal data will be deleted permanently after the end of the half day conference.  For further information on how your personal data will be processed refer to the Controllers' Data Protection Policy.