Central Asia Solidarity Groups is looking for a Project Manager

Tack för att du tar dig tiden att besvara våra frågor!
Vår rekryteringsprocess bygger på en icke-diskriminerande kompetensbaserad metod. Detta innebär att du i första fasen anonymt får besvara ett antal frågor, som sedan poängsätts. Svaren är helt anonyma tills dess att poängen har sammanställts och urvalet av lämpliga kandidater har gjorts.
På sista sidan i enkäten får du sedan lämna dina kontaktuppgifter. Kontaktuppgifterna ser vi först när det blir aktuellt att ta kontakt med dig.
För en komplett ansökan måste samtliga frågor ha besvarats. Sista ansökningsdag är 12 Juni 2022 kl. 23.59. Vi kontaktade vi kallar på intervju efter sista ansökningsdag.
Observera att ingen bekräftelse på dina inskickade svar kommer via mail. 
1.Central Asia Solidarity Groups works with grassroots movements and civil society organizations in Central Asia. We work to support our partners by providing resources and building knowledge and capacities. It is therefore important that the project manager has experience working in the civil society sector both in Sweden and internationally. Please elaborate on your previous experiences of working in the civil society sector (max. 1000 words).(Required.)
2.One of the most significant focuses of Central Asia Solidarity Groups’ work in Sweden spins around information and advocacy work. Our efforts aim to raise awareness about the region, as well as influence the policy-making processes of the Swedish decision-makers. It is therefore important that the project manager has experience in engaging with information and advocacy activities, as well as knowledge and network of relevant stakeholders in Sweden. Please elaborate on your experience working with information and advocacy work. (max 1000 words)(Required.)
3.Central Asia Solidarity Groups works with the following thematic areas: 1) democratic youth organizing; 2) gender and rights of women/girls, and 3) environment and climate. Give examples of your previous experiences working with one or more of these thematic areas. What do you believe is important when working within these thematic areas? Provide your answer in Swedish. (max 1000 words).(Required.)
4.The project manager will work with all parts of the project cycle: application writing processes, planning, coordination, and follow-up and evaluation of the different parts of the project and report to relevant actors. Therefore, it is important that the person has experience, knowledge and skills in all areas. Describe your previous experience of working with the entire project cycle. What do you think is important to think about within each step? (max 1000 words).(Required.)
5.Please elaborate on other qualifications that you think are relevant? (max 500 words)
6.Contact email address(Required.)
7.Phone number(Required.)