NOVA SCOTIANS: Record Your Side Effects/Adverse Reactions.
Nova Scotia's chief medical officer of health Dr. Robert Strang, has said that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
We have submitted two Freedom of Information requests to the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness asking for the number of people who have had Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) with the COVID-19 vaccine(s).
The first response stated that 83 people in Nova Scotia had serious events or side effects that included neurological conditions and allergic reactions. Eleven people have died.
Dr. Strang stated on July 23, 2021 that there were 22 cases of Myocarditis in Nova Scotia - however this information was missing from the response.
We were instructed to submit a second Freedom of Information request and did so on October 4th, 2021 in order to get a conclusive response.
First, the Department charged us $540 to retrieve this information. It was paid - then the department denied the application.
Therefore, we would like to provide the people of Nova Scotia who have had the COVID-19 vaccine(s) and or booster the opportunity to record their own first hand experience to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine(s) by completing the following 10 question survey.
If you do not see an adverse reaction that you have had listed in the survey, we have put the option to identify one of the following at the end of Question 5:
a.) Serious Adverse Events Following Immunization which is an adverse event following immunization that has resulted in AT LEAST one of the following: Hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization; permanent disability/incapacity; and death (if you happen to be filling this out on behalf of a direct relative who died.)
b.) Non-serious AEFI: An adverse event following immunization that does not meet the criteria for a serious AEFI; A reaction that did not require hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization; a reaction that did not result in death or permanent disability/incapacity.
Please - we trust you - this is very important! Do not fill out this survey if you have not had a COVID-19 vaccination. Do not fill out this survey if you are not a permanent resident of Nova Scotia. We want to gather accurate results to Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) in Nova Scotia to the COVID-19 vaccines.
Thank you for your time and cooperation.