Gibraltar Dying Matters Survey 2021

This survey is designed to capture how our community feels about issues surrounding end of life care and bereavement. This topic is sensitive, particularly if you have been recently bereaved. Covid-19 has dramatically changed the way we have been able to care for, and grieve for, our loved ones. Please do not feel obliged to complete this survey.
However, if you feel you would like to take part we would be most grateful to gather your views in order to help develop services and policies in the future.

Firstly, we would like to collect a bit of information to help us understand a little about you.
1.What is your gender?
2.What is your age?
3.In which country were you born
4.If not originally from Gibraltar, when did you move to Gibraltar?
5.Do you have a religion or identify with a particular group?
6.If Yes, which religion best describes you?
7.The next set of questions are a bit more sensitive and look at your experiences of death and dying.
In the last 5 years have you had a close friend or relative diagnosed with a life limiting illness which severely impacts their day-day functioning?
8.In the last 5 years have you experienced the death of a close friend or relative?
9.Have you ever been involved in supporting or caring for a close relative or friend  in their last few months of life?
10.Which, if any, of the issues below have you encountered during your experience of caring for your loved one in the last months of life? Tick all that apply.
11.The next set of questions explore what people think and want regarding their own end of life care . If you were terminally ill, would you prefer to be told or prefer not to know?
Thinking about yourself, when the time comes,  where would be the best place to die?
13.Would you still prefer to die at home (or place of your choice) even if you didn't have sufficient support from family/friends or the social/ medical care professionals?
14.When the time comes, what do you think would be the most important thing for your end of life care? Please tick one.
15.Thinking about yourself, what would be the 2nd most important thing for your end of life care? Please tick one.
16.Have you discussed your wishes regarding your end of life care with anyone?
17.If No, why have you not discussed this?
18.Have you written plans regarding your end of life care?
19.If Yes, which plans have you made?
20.Do you have any of the following?
21.What would make you more likely to start planning for your end of care?
22.This set of questions is designed to explore how comfortable we are talking about our wishes surrounding end of life care.
How comfortable do you feel talking about death?
23.Have you discussed what your wishes would be in these areas with someone, if you did not have long to live?
24.What is your preferred source of information regarding end of life
25.How confident are you that you would receive the right sort of care and support if you did not have long to live?
26.How confident are you about being able to support yourself financially if you did not have long to live?
27.How confident are you in being able to plan your funeral arrangements?
28.Is there anything else you wish to comment on regarding end of life care and bereavement in Gibraltar?
Current Progress,
0 of 28 answered