Provincial Healthcare Violence Prevention Framework

Persons completing this survey will not be identified. All information gathered will be further accumulated so as to understand the provincial context of workplace violence & prevention.

All confidential surveys collected will be forwarded to the SASWH office in Regina.

The Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 1996, Section 37(1) "Violence" means the attempted, threatened or actual conduct of a person that causes or is likely to cause injury, and includes any threatening statement of behaviour that gives a worker reasonable cause to believe that the worker is at risk of injury.
1.Worksite Location
2.Do you have clear policies and procedures in place for addressing workplace violence?
3.If you answered "yes", does your policy on workplace violence state in clear terms your organization's commitment to a workplace free from the negative effects of workplace violence?
4.Does your policy or workplace define workplace violence in precise and concrete language providing clear examples of unacceptable behaviour?
5.Have you been consulted/involved with your managers in development and implementation of a workplace violence assessment and prevention program?
6.If you have a workplace violence policy, does the policy commit to monitor and regularly review the policy and its supporting procedures?
7.Do you have dedicated individuals who are responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of your workplace violence prevention program?
8.Are you encouraged to report all incidents of workplace violence?
9.If your answer was "yes"  to the previous question indicate by whom (check all that apply)
10.Does your workplace clearly outline the process by which employees can report incidents of workplace violence?
11.If you saw or experienced a violent incident, assault or threatening behaviour at work, would you report it?
12.Does your workplace provide assurance that discriminatory actions will not be made against reporting employees?
13.What factors impact whether or not you would report a violent incident, assault or threatening behaviour at work? (select all that apply)
14.Have you missed work because of events of violence at work?
15.Have you missed work because of fear of potential violence at work?
16.What, if any, work activities make you feel unprepared to respond to a violence action?
17.Have you received workplace violence prevention training?
18.Have you experienced or seen violence in the workplace by someone who is not a worker, but who is known to or has a personal relationship with a worker?
19.Does your organization have a clear and consistent process to investigate concerns regarding workplace violence?
20.To whom do employees currently report  their concerns about workplace safety?
21.Once a complaint is made, does the investigation commence as quickly as possible and finish in a timely manner, no less than 90 days?
Current Progress,
0 of 21 answered