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HDC Member Survey: Racial Equity Commitment
Please share your contact information, including your name and email, so we can follow up with you. We invite you to respond to the questions below from your personal perspective. We recognize that individual responses may not reflect the views of an entire organization.
After hearing today’s presentation, what are you most excited about for HDC’s Racial Equity work? You may choose more than one.
HDC Racial Equity Commitment
Race-Based Caucusing
Housing Development Internship Program (HDIP)
Racial Equity Training Opportunities
Black Home Initiative Policy Advocacy Network
What questions, comments, or thoughts do you have about what you heard?
When would you like to get engaged with the HDC Racial Equity Commitment?
I am interested in getting engaged before the end of this year (i.e., providing feedback on the Draft Racial Equity Commitment between October-December 2024 and/or potentially signing onto the Commitment as part of an Early Adopter Cohort, beginning in spring 2025). Please contact me within the next few weeks.
I am interested in getting engaged early next year, after the Racial Equity Commitment has been finalized by members (i.e., signing onto the Commitment as part of an Early Adopter Cohort, beginning in spring 2025). Please contact me in Q1 2025.
I look forward to getting engaged with the Racial Equity Commitment in mid-2025, when the broader HDC membership will be called to sign on.
We're interested in learning more about HDC members’ ongoing racial equity initiatives. If your organization currently has a policy or program aimed at advancing racial equity, would you be willing to be contacted by a member of the HDC staff or the Equity & Community Work Group?
Yes, please contact me. I’d be happy to share about my organization’s ongoing racial equity initiative(s).
No, please do not contact me about this.