UDIA WA is requesting Member input and feedback into the development of an International Study Tour. Our aim is to provide a Study Tour that enables attendees the opportunity to gain knowledge and learn lessons from relevant world leading examples. You are invited to take part in a short 2-3minute survey, which will assist us in developing a comprehensive and relevant program for our Members. 

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* 2. The International Study Tour is tentatively scheduled for late July 2018 (post School Holiday period). Please indicate if this proposed time period is suitable?

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* 3. Please indicate your prefered length for an International Study Tour (inc's travel time)?

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* 4. In the initial development stages of this International Study Tour the destination of America has been discussed. Please indicate if you would be interested in touring the following places:

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* 5. Would you be interested in partaking in an International Study Tour to somewhere other than America (country and/or city)?

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* 6. What issues of industry would you like to see covered in a International Study Tour?

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* 7. To receive further information on the International Study Tour please provide your details.