Question Title

* 1. Are you male or female, and how old are you?

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* 2. What are your goals for publication?

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* 3. What do you mostly write?

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* 4. What is your primary genre? (You may choose up to 3.)

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* 5. How long have you considered yourself a "serious" writer?

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* 6. What milestones have you reached thus far, as an adult (high school doesn't count)?

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* 7. What are the 3 biggest challenges you face as a writer? (TOP THREE)

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* 8. How important is it to your personal writing success that you overcome these challenges?

  Very important Important Don't know Unimportant Completely unimportant
Choose One:

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* 9. If I could support you in overcoming your top 3 challenges, how would you prefer to receive support?

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* 10. If you're interested in hearing the results about the top 3 challenges writers face, then share your email in the box below. I’ll also send you some free training around the top 3 challenges that we uncover. Thank you for your time. WRITERS ROCK!!!