It's time to recognize individuals from across the state for their contributions to Early Childhood Education and for their impact on Virginia's Children! Please complete this form in its entirety to be considered.

Excellence in Media Relations & Communications Award: Recognizes outstanding contributions by someone who uses their platform to create and disseminate information regarding the value and importance of early childhood education, children, families, and care providers in Virginia.

Outstanding Service to Young Children Award: Recognizes outstanding contributions from an individual that have a direct positive impact on the education and development of young children in Virginia. Outstanding Service to Children Award. This award is given to someone:
- Who has made a significant contribution to the education and development of young children. A considerable part of this service has been made in Virginia.
- Is not currently a VAAEYC Board member.
- Who has participated in a wide variety of fields of service to young children in the state.

Nominations open through January 15, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Which Award are you making a nomination for?

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* 2. Nominator Information (Your information)

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* 3. Nominee Information

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* 4. Your relationship to the nominee

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* 5. Please explain why this person deserves the selected award.

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* 6. Please provide us some additional background information on the nominee, including their biography if you have access to it.

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* 7. Would you be willing to assist in presenting the award at the Annual Conference, or record a video to announce them as the Award Winner, should they be selected?

Thank you!