General Information

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Do you agree to complete a confidential background check as a part of this application process and pay any related fees?

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* 3. Please Provide Relevant Links to Personal Social Media Accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.)

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* 4. Which position are you running for?

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* 5. Why are you running for National Council or National Vice President?

TWO PART QUESTION: What lessons have you learned from prior volunteer or professional experiences that support your candidacy for the National Council? Tell us what you have learned from prior, relevant experiences and how you would apply those lessons as a National Councilor or National Vice President. You will answer this question in two parts below, one focusing on volunteer experience and one focusing on professional experience.

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* 6. Lessons from Volunteer Experience (Including with Phi Kappa Tau, or other Organizations)

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* 7. Lessons from Professional or other Experience

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* 8. In your judgment, what are the most pressing opportunities and challenges Phi Kappa Tau will face in the coming years and how would you address them as a National Councilor or National Vice President?

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* 9. If you were elected, what would you hope your major contribution would have been during your term? What impact do you want to make?

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* 10. Is there anything you would like us to know about you that has not been addressed in a previous question?

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* 11. Are you currently applying for another Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity/Foundation staff or volunteer role?

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* 12. Please review the National Officer Qualifications Policy, available to you through this link HERE. Do you affirm that you meet all of the qualifications in this policy?

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* 13. If you answered “no” to question 11, or otherwise think that there exists an event in your past that may present a reputational risk to Phi Kappa Tau if you were elected to serve on the National Council or as National Vice President, yet you would like to continue with your application for office, please disclose the facts of your situation and why you feel you should nevertheless be permitted to serve as a National Officer:

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* 14. A National Officer is encouraged as part of his office to make monetary donations to the Phi Kappa Tau Foundation and/or other fraternity-related philanthropy. Do you plan to make such contribution(s) during each year of your term?

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* 15. Do you agree to follow the expectations described in the National Council expectations document?

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* 16. The National Council typically holds two in-person meetings per year, and each member of the National Council is expected to attend one or more undergraduate educational/leadership conferences per year. Do you have the financial ability to cover your own travel, lodging, and incidental expenses related to in-person National Council meetings and other events?

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* 17. In addition to two in-person meetings per year, the National Council may be called to meet virtually at least once monthly, with such meetings lasting 2-3 hours each. Do you have the ability to meet the National Councilor expectations, considering your other family, professional, or other obligations?

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* 18. If you answered "no" or "maybe" to any of questions 13-16 please use the space below to provide additional context.

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* 19. Current Resume

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 20. Summary of Volunteer Experience (including Boards of Directors that you have served on).

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.