PAYGO Workspace & Coffee House

Workhouse will be a space that people can come work in a calm supportive environment with a social aspect too, based in Derry city centre. It will have all the facilities you expect from an office, dedicated WIFI, power points and printing services with the flexibility of ‘working from home’ plus barista coffee & tea served to your desk. Lockers available to store your belongings if you need to nip out. Whether you need space for an hour, or a day Workhouse has the facilities to support you and your business. Workspace will be open late on several evenings to allow users to avail of the services outside regular office hours. Users can mix it up by setting up in the workspace area for concentration or the coffee house for inspiration.

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* 1. Do you have a fixed place of work or do you sometimes work remotely?

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* 2. Do you have a dedicated workspace that enables you to work effectively?

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* 3. Would spending a few hours working in a relaxed environment with dedicated workspaces be appealing to you?

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* 4. How much would you be willing to pay for this service? (per hour & per day)

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* 5. Would a frequent user pass be beneficial to you?

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* 6. Which of the following perks would be of most interest to you in the workspace? 

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* 7. How many days per week would you realistically use this service?

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* 8. Have you ever used a rented workspace before?

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* 9. In your own words, what kind of concerns would you have, if any, using a service like this?

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* 10. Enter your email address to be added to the mailing list & a chance to receive a free 1/2day pass.