Thank you for your interest in ASPA’s 2021 nomination and election process. Use this form to nominate yourself or a fellow ASPA member for a leadership position.

Please complete the form by Friday, September 3, 2021.  The Nominating Committee will use this information to select a qualified and dedicated slate of nominees, so be as detailed in your responses as possible.

ASPA's bylaws require that nominees be a member in good standing and must have been a member for at least one (1) year immediately prior to their nomination. For District Representative, a candidate's primary residence or principal place of employment must be within the electoral district from which they are nominated and are to stand for election. For Student Representative, a candidate must be a Student or New Professional member.

Incumbents seeking a second consecutive term shall be considered but are not guaranteed renomination by the Nominating Committee.

Please contact Phillip Carlisle with questions:

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* 1. Your contact information:

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* 2. Are you nominating yourself? If yes, skip question 3.

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* 3. Candidate's contact information:

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* 5. Has the candidate been notified of their nomination and indicated a willingness to serve? If the answer is "No," staff will contact the candidate and confirm their intent to run. If you are nominating yourself, select "Yes."

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* 6. Why would the candidate be an effective leader for ASPA?

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* 7. ASPA desires a diverse and representative slate of nominees. Explain how the candidate advances ASPA's diversity in terms of race, gender, ethnicity, disability, veteran status, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other important forms of diversity:

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* 8. Upload the candidate's resume or curriculum vitae:

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

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* 9. Provide a brief biography of the candidate (limit: 300 words).

Note: If the candidate is nominated, this biography will be provided to all members with their ballots. Candidates nominated by others will have an opportunity to review this biography before distribution.

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* 10. For those self-nominating, provide a high resolution headshot. 

Note: Your photograph will not be provided to the nominating committee or used in reviewing nominations. If you are nominated, this headshot will be provided to all members with their ballots.

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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* 11. For those self-nominating, provide a brief statement explaining why you should be nominated and elected (limit: 300 words).

Note: If you are nominated, this statement will be provided to all members with their ballots.

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* 12. Has the candidate been endorsed by a Section and/or Chapter? If so, indicate which one(s); otherwise, leave blank: