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* 1. What is, or has been, your relationship with Reformed Fellowship? Click all that apply, past or present.

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* 2. Consider your experience and knowledge of Reformed Fellowship as a whole; what areas of STRENGTH do you see? Feel free to think “outside the box”.

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* 3. Still examining your personal experience and knowledge of Reformed Fellowship as a whole, what areas of WEAKNESS do you see? Feel free to think “outside the box”.

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* 4. Consider Reformed Fellowship in the greater context of the world you see around you; what areas of OPPORTUNITY do you see? Please be as comprehensive as you can.

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* 5. Still considering Reformed Fellowship in the greater context of the world you see around you, what are some THREATS you see? Please be as comprehensive as you can.

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* 6. Consider the founding purposes of Reformed Fellowship:

1. To study the Reformed faith and to develop its implications as it relates to all of human life and activity;

2. To disseminate and defend the Reformed faith in opposition to all errors, heresies and trends of thought hostile to the development of a full-orbed and fully committed Christian life;

3. To encourage and promote respect for the Reformed tradition by all lawful means;

4. To publish Reformed periodicals and literature.

The above were drafted at Reformed Fellowship's founding in 1951. Do you see these as still valuable in today's context? Does one or more seem of particular importance to you?

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* 7. Are there areas in which we are failing to fulfill the potential of these purposes, and if so, what are they?

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* 8. What are some key ways you see Reformed Fellowship fulfilling these purposes?

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* 9. What are some of the ways you like to process information? Please check all the below that are useful or enjoyable for you:

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* 10. Thank you for your help! Please leave us some information about yourself.

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