NET Clinical Trials Finder - Experience Feedback

Please share your feedback from the experience with the NET Clinical Trials Search Tool

The International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance (INCA) presents a free, easy and fast neuroendocrine cancer clinical trials search tool in cooperation with and NorCal CarciNET Community.  We would like to make sure it is improved on ongoing basis to provide the best of experience you can have. Please share your opinion with us.  A big THANK YOU for helping us to adjust the search tool to your needs!
1.Did you try the NET clinical trials search tool? 
2.Did you successfully complete the search process?
3.If you could not successfully complete the search process, please describe what happened.
4.If you have successfully completed the search process, did you find matches for your condition?
5.Could you please share feedback from your experience with the NET clinical trials search tool?
6.Do you have any recommendations for improvement of the NET clinical trials search tool?
7.We will continue to do confidential research on how best to improve this search process.  If you would be willing to be contacted with further surveys please share your contact info. All feedback will remain anonymous.
8.Please let us know whether you are: