The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) and Tlingit & Haida are developing a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJHMP). This Plan will be an update of CBJ's 2012 HMP and a first-edition plan for Tlingit & Haida for their Juneau citizens, lands, and assets. We have contracted Fairweather Science, LLC to facilitate and guide the Planning Team through the HMP update process.
Once completed, the CBJ and Tlingit & Haida will adopt the HMP and it will be submitted to the State of Alaska Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHS&EM) and then to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for final review and approval. Once the adopted plan is approved by FEMA, the CBJ and Tlingit & Haida will be eligible to apply for grant funding to protect the City and Tribe's assets and residents from natural hazards.
For more information about mitigation planning, please see FEMA guidance here:

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the HMP Planning Team Lead, Rob Dumouchel ( or our contractor, Laura Young at

Question Title

* 1. Residency status:

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* 3. What natural hazards impact Juneau? Check all that apply.
These were the hazards identified by the Planning Team for inclusion in the HMP Update.

Question Title

* 4. What is your level of concern for the hazards that impact Juneau?

  Not Concerned Somewhat Concerned Concerned Very Concerned This Hazard Does Not Impact My Community
Changes in the Cryosphere (Avalanche & Glaciers)
Urban/Downtown Fire
Severe Weather (winds, snow, rain, drought)
Wildland Fire
Tsunami and Seiche
Volcano (ash)
Dam Failure
Hazardous Materials Incident
Cybersecurity Threat

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* 5. What critical facilities and infrastructure in Juneau do you rely on? (Example: hospital, bridges, roads, school, etc.)

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* 6. How do you receive warnings regarding hazard events? Please check all that apply.

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* 7. The CBJ participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which allows residents to purchase flood insurance at a reasonable cost to homes and businesses. Do you carry flood insurance?

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* 8. What actions have you taken to prepare you and your household for future hazard events?

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* 9. How prepared do you feel your household is for impacts of natural hazard events likely to occur in Juneau?

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* 10. If you were impacted by recent Mendenhall Glacier flooding events, please provide information on how you were impacted.

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* 11. Do you have any specific ideas for mitigation projects associated with the identified hazards that you would like the Planning Team to consider?

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* 12. Is there any information the CBJ or Tlingit & Haida can provide to you to help you better prepare for disasters occurring in your area?

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* 13. If you have any images of natural hazard damages in Juneau that you would like to share, upload them here. If you have multiple images you would like to submit, please email them to
(Please add your contact information below to get credit for your image if it is used in the Plan)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 14. If you uploaded an image in Question 13, please provide the general location and date of the image/event.

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* 15. If you would like to receive updates about the HMP update process and other opportunities for public involvement, please enter your information below.