Please complete the survey below to indicate your facility's availability.

Please join the Arbor Research, contractor for the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), team for a 60-minute virtual Focus Group Session to share your experiences alongside other nursing homes regarding any barriers and suggestions on improvement with regards to capture and reporting of HAI data – such as Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) and Multi Drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO) infections.
to reduce the burden of reporting Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) to the CDC NHSN.

Thank you very much for your consideration of this invitation and this important research work to ultimately improve the experience of nursing homes as well as the lives of nursing home residents.

Note that all answers provided will be kept confidential, will only be accessible by the Arbor Research team, and will only be used for the purposes of scheduling the feedback session.

If you have any questions regarding the survey or the session, please contact Michelle Maxim, Project Manager, at

Thank you! 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the name of your facility:

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate which of the following times your facility can attend a focus group session (please select all options that could work, only one time will be selected for the final scheduling):

Question Title

* 3. Please provide your contact information:

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate which EHR you utilize:

Question Title

* 5. Please list your nursing home chain (if applicable):