Kick off the Fall with a Beauty Experience

In partnership with Sephora, we would like to cordially invite Women and Men to “Come Experience The World of Beauty with Sephora and Kendo” on Thursday evening (6-8:30 PST), September 12th, in San Francisco. 
The Networking Reception with Sephora will feature four Experiences:  

Makeup Tips and Tricks  
Shade Matching  
Grooming Essentials for Men
Feature Insights (Belong Campaign, Revamp of Sephora Collection, Concept of Sephora Collection, and creation of the Sephora Card)

There is limited capacity for this event, so we would like to get a sense of interest in attending.   

Additional information will be sent to those who fill out the 60 second survey by Tuesday, August 20th.    

Question Title

* 1. First Name:

Question Title

* 2. Last Name:

Question Title

* 3. Email Address:

Question Title

* 4. Please State Your Gender

Question Title

* 5. Please Provide Your Ethnic Background

Question Title

* 6. Please State If You Are a Student or Working Professional 

Question Title

* 7. Please State if you have attended an event with Sephora previously.