July 4th Porch Parade Registration

Let’s celebrate together! This 4th of July we are asking you to celebrate with us by decorating your front porches and homes. Unleash your creativity and bring a smile to your friends and neighbors.

​A map with the locations of all our registered porches will be available, so you can plan a walk or drive around your neighborhood to see the beautifully decorated porches and share in the celebration. You will also be able to vote for your favorite!

​Businesses we want to include you too!

Step 1: Register your display! 

​Registration is FREE! Just fill out the form below.
  • Registrants will be added to our Porch Parade Map.
  • The first 50 Porches in the Florence Area that register will receive a 4th of July Porch Parade lawn sign that will magically appear in your lawn.
  • Encourage your neighbors to decorate and register too!
Step 2: Decorate Your Porch 
  • Porches must be fully decorated by 12 noon on Wednesday, June 30th and able to stay up through Monday, July 5th. Winners will be announced on July 4th.
  • Porches must be appropriate for a family friendly audience. 
  • Don’t have a porch? No problem! Feel free to decorate your lawn, the sidewalk, a window, or something else visible from the street or sidewalk. 
Step 3: Explore, Celebrate​, Share​
  • ​Check the Porch Parade Map often to see how the celebration is growing!
  • Go for a walk around your neighborhood, take pictures of the Porches you find, and tag us on social media to help share the joy! #FHFHbuildinghope #4thofJulyporchparade
  • The more people who take part, the more celebrations there is to share, so get your friends and neighbors involved! 
Step 4: Vote for Your Favorite Home and Business!

The link for voting will be published on June 30th at noon with the list of registered houses and businesses. Watch the Florence Habitat for Humanity website and Facebook page!

Rules & Regulations:
  • Porches must be fully decorated by 12 noon on Wednesday, June 30th and able to stay up through Monday, July 5th. Must be appropriate for a family audience.
  • Displays should not focus on religious, political, ideological, or controversial themes or issues. Use of any political sign, social or political material is not permitted and will disqualify you from the event.
  • Displays are not a place for commercial marketing. Businesses are welcomed and encouraged to participate with a focus on the mission of bringing community together while staying home.
  • We reserve the right to exclude any displays that do not meet our guidelines or that feature content not aligned with our mission. 
  • Registrations are limited to one per household, per location.
  • Registration for the Porch Parade and/or tagging @Florencehabitat or using #4thofJulyporchparade #Florencestrong #FHFHbuildinghope
  • Use of related photos or videos on social media, grants Florence Habitat for Humanity permission to use your images and footage on any platform.
  • Voting will close at 3pm on Sunday, July 4th.
  • Winners will be announced Sunday, July 4th at 4pm on KCST Radio.

  • 1st Place  --  $100 Laurel Bay Gift Card
  • 2nd Place  --  $50 ReStore Gift Certificate
  • 3rd Place  --  Custom Porch Sign from Deb at The Mustard Seed
  • 1st Place  --  $260 in advertising on KCST Radio 
  • 2nd Place  --  $100 Laurel Bay Gift Card
  • 3rd Place  --  $50 ReStore Gift Card
1.First and Last Name(Required.)
2.Contact Phone Number(Required.)
3.Contact Email Address
4.Name Your Entry!(Required.)
5.Physical Address of Porch Parade Entry(Required.)
6.Residence or Business?(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered