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The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will hold a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, September 25th at 6 PM about our proposed parking plan for the area around the future Judkins Park Light Rail Station. We will explain our plan, listen to your comments, and answer your questions.

You can register to attend the hearing by following the link on the project website: www.seattle.gov/transportation/judkinspark

If you also want to make a verbal comment during the hearing, please sign up below. You will have up to two minutes to speak, but this may be shorter if many people want to share their thoughts. We will call your name when it's your turn.

If you prefer to give feedback without speaking at the hearing, you can email us at JudkinsParkLR@seattle.gov or call (206) 615-0479. We value all comments, whether they come from the hearing, email, or phone.

Live captioning in English will be available during the hearing. If you need a sign language interpreter (ASL) or want to hear the presentation in another language, please email JudkinsParkLR@seattle.gov or call (206) 615-0479 with your request by Friday, September 13th. Interpretation services are provided for free.

Question Title

* 1. I would like to make a verbal comment. Please enter your name below: