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This form may be used to report incidents of bias, bullying, discrimination, and/or harassment involving Jagged Little Pill (JLP) cast, crew, and/or employees. Please complete one form per incident. JLP takes incident reports very seriously and every effort will be made to evaluate your report promptly. 

Please note, the extent to which JLP addresses the incident report will depend upon the information provided, the swiftness with which the incident is reported, and whether or not you wish to remain anonymous. Please provide as many details as possible; the information contained in the report will be shared with The Office of People & Culture who will facilitate subsequent incident monitoring, investigation, and/or resolution finding. Your contact information and confidentiality will be maintained to the greatest extent possible. 

This form has NOT been designed to inform or explain any laws as they pertain to your legal rights, and should not be used for that purpose. Instead, it should be used exclusively to report incidents you believe violate JLP Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Anti-Racism policies.   


Question Title

* 1. Date and Time of Incident:


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* 2. Have you previously reported this event?

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* 3. Please select one of the following:

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* 4. Please select one of the following:

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* 5. Please select with which of the following you are affiliated:

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* 6. Please describe the setting where the incident took place:

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* 7. Please select the nature of the incident: (Select all that apply.)

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* 8. Please identify any possible factors related to this incident: (Select all that apply.)

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* 9. Please identify other possible witnesses to the incident, if applicable:

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* 10. Please describe the incident, providing as much detail as possible:

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* 11. Would you like for JLP to respond to the incident?

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* 12. As JLP reviews your report and determines the most appropriate response, your suggestions are welcomed. If you have any recommended responses, please detail them below.

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* 13. You may provide your name and request that it be held in confidence as the inquiry goes forward. If you request that your identity remain confidential, persons handling the inquiry will do so to the extent practicable and permitted by JLP policies and applicable laws. JLP's ability to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action may be impeded if your identity is not provided to the person responding to the complaint. Depending on the nature of the allegations(s) raised (e.g. unlawful discrimination or sexual violence), conducting a fair and complete investigation may require that the full details of the incident, including your identity, be shared. In those instances, all parties will be advised of JLP policy against retaliation for making complaints.

If you wish to remain anonymous, please ensure that the auto-fill option is disabled on your web browser. Please close your browser after you have submitted the form. Note:  In incidents of alledged sexual harassment, names must be provided according to the law. In addition to, or instead of completing this form, you may contact The Office of People & Culture for guidance and support at 510.565.0925.

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* 14. Contact Information: (Complete only if you do not wish to remain anonymous.) In incidents of alledged sexual harassment, names must be provided according to the law.

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* 15. Your affiliation with JLP:

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* 16. Thank you for completing the JLP Incident Reporting Form. The Office of People & Culture will contact you via phone or email regarding your submission within 2 business days.

If you have documents related to this incident, you may upload them here.

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