Thank you for attending this session. We appreciate your feedback. Your responses are anonymous and will help us improve Shiriki programming. We may share aggregated data; we won't share your personal information.
If you are not a member of the Shiriki community and would like to be added, please go to the membership form after completing this survey. You will find that form at (You might need to copy the link and paste it into your browser.)

Please note the response scale is "Strongly disagree" through Strongly agree" for the first 3 questions.

Question Title

* 1. The content of this session was well organized and clearly presented.

Question Title

* 2. Something I heard or saw in this session will help me think of my work in a different way.

Question Title

* 3. Participating in this session was a productive use of my time.

Question Title

* 4. Comments about this session:

Question Title

* 5. I would like to know more about the following topic(s) not addressed during the presentation (please add your name and email if you would like us to follow up):

Question Title

* 6. I work in or with this country/countries:

Question Title

* 7. I work for:

Question Title

* 8. My job title or area of expertise is (check all that apply):