Māori Practitioner Hui Registration |
Te Kaunihera Pūtaiao Hauora o Aotearoa | the Medical Sciences Council (the Council) and Te Ama Tōtika - the Māori Practitioners Advisory Committee to the Council is hosting a hui with all Māori medical laboratory science and anaesthetic technician practitioners on Wednesday 26 February 2025 at Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre in Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland.
The purpose of this hui is to:
• Introduce Te Ama Tōtika and its mahi.
• Whakawhanaungatanga and facilitate connections with other Māori practitioners.
• Discuss the relationship between the Council and Te Ama Tōtika and how matters relating to culture are raised and addressed.
• Discuss how to attract more Māori into the professions.
Please register using this form. You will need to enter your name and email address so you can be emailed with further details. Your personal details will be held in SurveyMonkey until this hui has concluded.
Registration closes 5pm on Friday 7 February 2025.
This will be a professional development opportunity that will count towards recertification CPD requirements.
The purpose of this hui is to:
• Introduce Te Ama Tōtika and its mahi.
• Whakawhanaungatanga and facilitate connections with other Māori practitioners.
• Discuss the relationship between the Council and Te Ama Tōtika and how matters relating to culture are raised and addressed.
• Discuss how to attract more Māori into the professions.
Please register using this form. You will need to enter your name and email address so you can be emailed with further details. Your personal details will be held in SurveyMonkey until this hui has concluded.
Registration closes 5pm on Friday 7 February 2025.
This will be a professional development opportunity that will count towards recertification CPD requirements.