Podiatry Mentors Question Title * 1. Have you ever served as a mentor (allowed a prospective student to shadow you in practice, answered questions about podiatry as a career, provided advice on careers in podiatry)? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 2. Have you registered for the AACPM DPM Mentor Network, the profession's official mentor network? Yes, I am registered. No, I'm not registered yet, but I do plan to sign up. (Click here to register now!) No, I do not plan to participate in the DPM Mentor Network. Question Title * 3. If you answered that you do NOT plan to participate in the DPM Mentor Network, please tell us why. I do not have the time or resources to participate in the mentor network. I'm just not interested. I already serve as a mentor and don't see a need to participate in a formal network. Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What is your name? Question Title * 5. Please share your preferred contact information if we may send you more information about the DPM Mentor Network. Done